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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Make An IFrame To Contain Another Blog On Your Blog Page

When you want to merge two websites (either or both being a blog), yet keep the content of each separate, the most obvious solution is to use the same template on each, and link between the two in a consistent fashion. The reader of either blog never has to know when he's viewing the other, unless he habitually observes the content of the browser Address window.

But how about if you would like to display one blog, in its entirety, in the middle of the other blog page? That's a feature called an IFrame. It's a deceptively simple solution too.

You can put an IFrame in either a blog post, or in a special page element. It's a dynamic window; when you change something in the blog contained in the window, the contents of the window changes too. Just refresh, and you can see the change.

An IFrame is a nice substitute for a newsfeed, when you are including a private blog in another web site. Since a newsfeed isn't available for a private blog, it's useless in this case. An IFrame works as well for a private blog as it does for a public blog. Remember, of course, that access to any IFrame requires access to both the IFrame host web site, and to the source web site.

One caveat here, which may be an asset or a liability, is that the content of an IFrame won't be picked up by the search engines. If the text inside the iframe is important content that needs to be indexed with the host blog, you won't want to put it inside an iframe. On the other hand, if you have text that you explicitly do not want indexed, an iframe can be a perfect solution.

It's got a number of settings that can make it more useful to you. You can set the height and width of the IFrame, to determine how much screen space, inside your blog, that you wish to use to display the IFrame contents. If the IFrame contents are larger than the allocated space, by default you'll get scroll bars; these can, at your own risk, be deactivated.

Remember that, as the text size is varied by the reader, the overall size of the contents inside the IFrame will vary, just as the contents of the blog outside the IFrame. Instead of specifying an absolute height or width in pixels, you can specify either in %, and have the IFrame size decrease or increase as the reader necessitates.

Depending upon what effect you desire, you'll want either the IFrame host web site, or the source web site, to be as plain as possible. If you have a normal blog with a page header, post column, and one or two sidebars, you will want the IFrame source web site to have a very plain template. For instance, if you're creating a second blog to contain posts that will be accessible only to a select few of your readers, you'll want to display an IFrame that only contains a posts column - any page header, sidebar, and / or footer section will just take up valuable screen space on the host web site, or force excessive horizontal or vertical scrolling inside the iframe window.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Model question of Desing Algorithm Analysis and Design

Tribhuvan University
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
And Information Technology

Model Question:

Full Marks : 80 + 20            Pass Marks : 32 + 8                 Time : 3 hrs

1. Can we apply master method to find the big-O estimate of the recurrence T(n)=4T(n/2) + n2logn? Why or why not? Find the big-O estimate for this recurrence by using recursion tree. 

2. Given the following block of code, write a recurrence relation for it with reason and also find asymptotic upper bound (Assume that all dotted code takes linear time)

fun(int n)





else if(condition2)



x= Fun(n/4)



3. What do you mean by order statistics? How can you devise an algorithm that guarantee the selection of ith order statistics in linear time? Write the algorithms of it and also analyze it.

4. In what situations the dynamic programming algorithms are useful? What are the application areas of Longest Common Subsequence? Write the recursive definition for finding LCS and find the LCS of the strings "Monkey" and "Money".

5. What is the advantage and disadvantage of greedy algorithms over dynamic programming algorithms? Under what circumstances greedy algorithm gives us optimal solution? Devise the greedy algorithm that makes the change of n rupees (n<55000 and n is multiple of 10) with minimum number of notes (consider 100 notes of 10 rupees, 80 notes of 20 rupees, 60 notes of 50 rupees, 50 notes of 100 rupees, 40 notes of 500 rupees and 30 notes of 1000 rupees.

6. In which case adjacency matrix representation of graph is better? Explore DFS with example and give it's asymptotic and aggregate analysis.

7. What is the main concept behind randomized algorithms? Write algorithm for randomized quick sort and analyze it.

8. What is NP completeness? What approaches are used in proving NP-completeness of the problems? "Proving a problem as NP-complete is considered as good contribution in computer science" why? Justify with strong argument.

9. What is left turn and right turn? Give an algorithm for finding whether two line segments intersects or not by using left and right turn. Justify with example that algorithm works for all cases.

10. Suppose that our machine does not supports direct multiplication operation. Multiplication must be done by repeated addition. Devise Iterative and recursive algorithm for it and analyze them.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Advantages / Disadvantages of fiber optic cable

  >> Advantages of fiber optic cable <<

Fiber optic cable has following advantages;

1) Higher Bandwidth

Fiber optic cable can support and dramatically higher bandwidth and hence data rates than twisted pair and co-axial cable. Currently data rates and bandwidth utilization over fiber optic cable are limited not by the medium but by the signal generation and reception technology used.

2)  Less signal attenuation 

Fiber optic transmission distance is significantly greater than that of other guided media. A signal can run for 50 km  without requiring regeneration. we need repeaters at every 5Km for twisted pair and co-axial cable.

3) Immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI)

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) cannot effect fiber optic cable.

4) Resistance to corrosive material

Glass is more resistance to corrosive material than copper wire.

5) Light weight

Fiber optic cables are much lighter than copper wires.

6) Greater immunity to tapping

Fiber optics cables are more immune to tapping than copper cables. Copper cabl ecreates antenna affects that can easily be tapped.

>> Disadvantages of fiber optic cable <<

Fiber optic cables too have some disadvantages;

1) Installation and maintenance 

Since it is new technology, its installation and maintenance requires hight expertize that is not yet available everywhere. It is also dangerous for health of human being.

2) Unidirectional light propagation

Propagation of light is unidirectional. If we need bi-directional communication, two fibers are needed.

3) Cost maintenance

The cable and the interfaces are relatively more expensive than those of other guided media.

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