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Level: Four Years Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Information Technology.

The complete course content of BSc-CSIT, from semester 1st to semester 8th.

           Here I have tried to provide all the content of  the course,  that we have to
study from semester 1st to semester 8th.There are two kinds of semester  running
in the BSC-CSIT, one is  odd and another is even. In  odd semester  there are five
subjects and in even semester there are 6 subjects that we have to study.

  • First Year : First Semester
  1. CSC. 101 Introduction to Information Technology                    
  2. CSC. 102 Fundamentals of Computer Programming              
  3. STA. 103 Probability and Statistics                                                  
  4. MTH.104 Calculus and Analytical Geometry                                
  5. PHY.105 Physics I                                                                      
  6. BIO. 106 Biology I                                                                       
  7. STA. 108 Statistics I Note:-> Here in above list subject with code after 105 to 108 are Electives and, we have to choose any one of them.

Click here for full syllabus :

  1. Introduction to Information Technology
  2. Fundamentals of Computer Programming
  3. Probability and Statistics
  4. Calculus and Analytical Geometry
  5. Physics I
  6. Biology I
  7. Statistics I

  • First Year : Second  Semester
    1. CSC. 151 Digital Logic
    2. CSC. 152 Discrete Structures
    3. CSC. 153 Microprocessor
    4. CSC. 154 Data Structures and Algorithms
    5. MTH. 155 Linear Algebra
    6. PHY. 156 Physics II
    7. BIO. 156 Biology II
    8. STA. 159 Statistics II  
                            Note:-> Here, in above list all the subjects below the code 156 are Electives, so we can choose any one of them.

    Click here for full syllabus:

    1. Digital Logic
    2. Discrete Structures
    3. Microprocessor
    4. Data Structures and Algorithms
    5. Linear Algebra
    6. Physics II
    7. Biology II
    8. Statistics II  

    • Second Year : Third Semester  
    1. CSC. 201 Computer Architecture
    2. CSC. 202 Object Oriented Programming
    3. CSC. 203 Operating Systems 
    4. CSC. 204 Numerical Method
    5. MGT. 205 Introduction to Management
         Click for full syllabus:

    1. Computer Architecture 
    2. Object Oriented Programming
    3. Operating Systems 
    4. Numerical Method
    5. Introduction to Management

    • Second Year : Fourth Semester
    1. CSC. 251 Theory of Computation
    2. CSC. 252 System Analysis and Design
    3. CSC. 253 Database Management System
    4. CSC. 254 Computer Graphics
    5. CSC. 255 Cognetive Science
    6. CSC. 256 Technical Writing
         Click for full syllabus:

    1. Theory of Computation
    2. System Analysis and Design
    3. Database Management System
    4. Computer Graphics
    5. Cognetive Science
    6. Technical Writing

    • Third Year (Junior Year) : Fifth Semester
    1. CSC-301: Computer Networks 
    2. CSC-302: Simulation and Modeling
    3. CSC-303: Design and Analysis of Algorithms 
    4. CSC-304: Artificial Intelligence(Following subjects are elective so students can choose only one of them.)
    5. CSC-305: Microprocessor Based Design
    6. CSC-306: Applied Logic 
    7. CSC-307: E-governance
    8. CSC-308:Wirless Networking 
    9. MGT-309: International Business Management
    10. MGT-310: International Marketing
    11. CSC-311: Neural Networks
    12. CSC-312: Computer Hardware Design
    13. CSC-313: Crystalgraphy   
    Click for full syllabus:

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