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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Biology II

Course Title: Biology II
Course no: BIO-157                                                                        Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                                 Pass Marks: 24+8+8

Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis:     Cell Division, DNA structure and function, RNA, transcription and                               translation process, mutation, gene regulation, recombinant DNA                                         technology.

Goal:  The course is aimed at knowing the living organism at the molecular level. It also             focused on techniques for gene manipulation by using recombinant DNA technology.
Course Contents:
Unit 1.                                                                                                             5 Hrs.
Cell division: Mitosis, meiosis, mechanism of crossing over, non-disjunction, ell cycle, abnormal cell division, basis of oncology
Unit 2.                                                                                                             9 Hrs.
DNA: Structure of DNA, replication of DNA, Organization of DNA in chromosomes, forms of DNA
Unit 3.                                                                                                             11 Hrs.
3.1    RNA: Overview of gene expression, transcription-synthesis of RNA, process, structure of mRNA
3.2    Protein synthesis: Decoding the message, tRNA, ribosomal rNA, role of ribosome in protein synthesis
3.3    Genetic code: Introduction of genetic code, wooble hypothesis
Unit 4.                                                                                                             6 Hrs.
Mutation and DNA repair: Introduction, types of mutation, reversion, mechanism of DNA repair.

Unit 5.                                                                                                             6 Hrs.
5.1 Gene regulation in prokaryotes: Operon concept, transcriptional control of protein synthesis, post transcriptional gene control
5.2 Eukaryotic gene control: Control of transcription, post transcriptional gene control, splicing.

Unit 6.                                                                                                             8 Hrs.
Recombinant DNA technology; introduction, tools for cloning, vectors and restriction endonucleases, gene cloning and expression, application of recombinant DNA in healthcare and agriculture industry
Laboratory Assignments:
  1. Observation of stages of mitosis by cytological slide preparation from root tip of onion.
  2. Observation of stages of meiosis by cytological slide preparation from anthers.
  3. Preparation of models of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis
  4. Testing for DNA with Geulgen stain.
  5. Testing fro DNA and RNA with Methyl Green Pyronin stain.
  6. Counting of WBC and RBC in human blood.
Text Books:    Biology by Villee, Solomon, Martin, Martion, Gerg, Davis 2nd Edition,                             Saunders college publishing, USA.
Reference Book:     Concepts in Biology by E.D. Enger & F.C. Ross, 9th Ed. Tata                                               McGraw Hill
                                   Biology by P.H. Reven, 5th Ed. WBC McGraw Hill.

Laboratory Manual:          Biology; A functional approach; Student's Manual / By M.B.V.
                                    Roberts and T.J. King (second edition - ELBS / Nelson, 1988)

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