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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Model Question of Simulation And Modeling.

Model Question:
Tribhuwan University
Bachelor of Computer Science and Information Techonolgy
Simulation and Modeling

Course Title                     :       Simulation and Modeling

Course No                         :       CSC-302

Credit Hours                    :        3

Nature of course            :        Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)

Course Synopsis              :         This course provides the discrete and continuous system,
                                                      generation  of random variables, analysis of simulation output   
                                                      simulation languages. 

Mode Questions:

Group A
Long Answer Questions. (Attempt any Two)                             10 * 20 =  20
           1.Define system modeling and simulation. Describe the dynamic physical model with suitable example

           2.What do you mean by uniformity test? The following is the set of single digit numbers from a random   number generator

6         7        0         6         9        9         0        6        4         6       
4 0 8 2 6 6 1 2 6 8
5 6 0 4 7 1 3 6 0 7
1 4 9 86 0 9 6 6 7
1 0 47 9 2 0 1 4 8
6 9 7 7 5 4 2 3 3 3
6 0 5 8 2 5 8 8 3 1
4 0 8 1 70 0 6 2 8
5 6 0 8 0 6 9 7 0 0
3 1 5 4 3 8 3 3 2 4

           Using appropriate test, check whether the numbers are uniformly distributed.

          3.What do you understand by simulation output analysis? Describe the estimation method with suitable example.
                                                         Group B
          Short Answer Questions (Attempt any Eight Questions)

          1.Explain different phases of simulation study in brief.
          2.Why do we use differential and partial differential equations in simulation?

         3.define random number. Explain the rejection method of random number generation.

         4. Explain the process of model validation through the iterative method of calibration.

         5. Describe any 5 block diagram symbols of GPSS with suitable diagram.

         6.What is Markov Chain? Describe different areas of application in short.

         7. List out the entities, attributes, activities and state variables for the following systems:
                    a) Traffic system       b) Banking system          c) Super Markets. 
                    d)Communication System                  e) Production System.

         8.What do you mean by M/M/1/N/K ? Suppose an office working 8 hr per day for 5 days a week gets about 800 telephone calls a week. Find out the number of calls per minute.

         9. Explain in brief real time simulation.

         10. Write short notes on:

                          a) CSMP
                          b) Simulation Run Statistics


1. Dr. Subarna Shakya                    -Expert and Cordinator

2. Hari Khadka                                 -Patan Campus -

3. Bhoj Raj Ghimire                         - Amrit Campus

4. Yadab Kattel                                - Katford

5. Janak Raj Joshi                            - New Summit -

6. Karna Dev Bhatta                        - Siddhanath Science Campus -

Click for Related Syllabus:

  1. first-semester
  2. second-semester
  3. third-semester
  4. fourth-semester
  5. fifth-semester

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