Tribhuwan University
Bachelor of Computer Science and information Technology
Wireless Networking
Wireless Networking
Course no : CSC-308 Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Credit Hrs : 3Hrs
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis: This course contains the concept of wireless networking technology.
Goal: To provide the concept and working principle for wireless communication and networking.
Model Questions:
Attempt all questions: 10 * 6 = 60
1) List out the keypoints of wireless communication development. What are the challenges in wireless communication network? [3+3]
2) A GSM system operating at 900 MHz has operating power of 40W. The transmitter and receiver gain are 5 dB each. By using free space path loss.
a. Express the transmission power in dBm.
b. Calculate free space path loss between the BS and MS separated by 5 km.
c. Calculate received power. [3*2]
3) Define modulation. Explain about GMSK transmitter and receiver. [1+3+2]
4) Define diversity. Explain different diversity mechanism. [2+4]
5) Explain the concept of frequency reuse. In AMPS cellular system with 30 kHz channel BW, a S/I of 18 dB is required for acceptable speech quality. By using path loss exponent of 4,
a) Calculate D/R.
b) Calculate the cluster size or frequency reuse factor. [3+3]
7) What is multiple access technique? Write briefly on TDMA with its advantages over FDMA. [1+5]
8) Describe the steps involved in setting up the call between the calling MSC and the called MSC with flow diagram. [6]
9) Write briefly on operation of mobile IP. [6]
a. Rayleigh fading
c. MIPv4 vs MIPv6
d. Handoff management
www.bsccsit.com is a webportal for B.Sc.CSIT Course which contains model questions, old questions, detail syllabus, class notes and e-bboks.