Second semester!!!
CSC-151: Digital Logic
CSC-152: Discrete Structure
CSC-153: Microprocessor
CSC-154: Data Structure and Algorithms
MTH-155: Linear Algebra(All the subjects listed below are electives so students can choose only one of them.)
PHY-156: Physics II
BIO-157: Biology II
GEO-158: Geology II
STA-159: Statistics II
Full Syllabus:
Course Title: Digital Logic
Course no: CSC-151 Full Marks: 60+20+20
Credit hours: 3 Pass Marks: 24+8+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)
Course Synopsis: General concepts to be used in the design and analysis of digital systems and introduces the principles of digital computer organization and design.
- Introduce fundamental digital logics and switching networks. Exposure of Boolean algebra and its application for circuit analysis.
- Introduction to multilevel gates networks, flip-flops, counters and logic devices.
Course Contents:
Unit 1. Binary Systems 7 Hrs.
Digital Systems, Binary Numbers, Number base conversion, Octal and hexadecimal numbers, Binary Systems, Integrated Circuits
Unit 2. Boolean algebra and Logic Gates 6 Hrs.
Basic definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic Theory of Boolean Algebra, Boolean Function, Logic operations, Logic Gates, IC Digital Logic Families
Unit 3. Simplification of Boolean Functions 6 Hrs.
K-map, Two and three Variable Maps, Four variable Maps, Product of Sums, sum of product simplification, NAND and NOR implementation
Unit 4. Combinational Logic 6 Hrs.
Design Procedure, Adders, Subtractors, Code Conversion, Analysis Procedure, NAND Circuits, NOR Circuits, Exclusive -OR Circuit
Unit 5. Combinational Logic with MSI and LSI 6 Hrs.
Binary Parallel Adder, Decimal Adder, Magnitude Comparator, Decoders, Multiplexers, Read- Only- Memory (ROM), Programmable Logic array (PLA)
Unit 6. Sequential Logic 8 Hrs.
Flip-flops, Triggering of flip-flops, Design procedure, Design with state equations and state reduction table.
Unit 7. Registers and Counters 6 Hrs.
Resisters, Shift registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Timing Sequences,
The Memory Unit
Laboratory works:
- Familiarization with logic gates
- Encodes and decodes
- Multiplexer and de-multiplexer
- Design of simple combination circuits
- Design of adder/subtractor
- Design f Flip-Flop
- Clock driven sequential circuits
- Conversion of parallel data into serial format
- Generation of timing signal for sequential system
Text Book
M. Morris Mao, "Logic & Computer Design Fundamentals", Pearson Education.
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