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Saturday, September 4, 2010

International Business Management

Course Title: International Business Management
Course no: MGT-309                                                                                    Full Marks: 80+20
Credit hours: 3                                                                                               Pass Marks: 32+8

Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.)

Course Synopsis:      Examination and analysis of international business in its historical, theoretical, environmental, and functional dimensions. Topics include the nature and scope of international business; the institutional, socio-cultural, political, legal, ethical, and economic environments; trade, foreign investment, and development; transnational management, including global operations, strategic planning, human resources, marketing, and finance; and international business diplomacy and conflict resolution.

Goal:  To develop the student's understanding of international business and the globalization of the economy. Students will learn fundamental concepts and procedures, which will help them analyzing the international opportunities.

Unit 1. Introduction to International Business                                                         4 Hrs.


Unit 2. Global business Environment                                                                        7 Hrs.

The cultural environment, The political and legal environment, The economic environment


Unit 3. Global Trade and Investment                                                                       8 Hrs.

International trade theory, Government influence on trade, Regional economic integration, Foreign direct investment, International business negotiations and diplomacy

Unit 4. Financial Environment                                                                                   4 Hrs.

Foreign exchange market, Determination of exchange rates

Unit 5. Choosing Where to Operate                                                             4 Hrs.

Country evaluation and selection, Collaborative strategies, Control strategies

Unit 6. Management of Business Functions                                                 8 Hrs.

Marketing, Export and import strategies, Global manufacturing, Global supply chain management

Unit 7. International Finance, Accounting and Taxation                                         6 Hrs.

Basic concepts of multinational companies, Multinational finance function, Multinational accounting and tax functions

Unit 8. International Human Resource Management                                             4 Hrs.

Textbooks:                 Daniels, John D., Radebaugh, Lee H. and Sullivan, Daniel P., International Business Environments and Operations, Pearson Education (Singapore), India, 2004 ISBN: 81-297-0411-0

References:              Czinkota, Ronkainen, and Moffett, International Business, 4th Edition, Dryden 1996.
Hill, Charles, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 3rd Edition, Irwin.
Bennett, Roger, International Business, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education
Sharan, Vyuptakesh, International Business: Concept, Environment and Strategy, Pearson Education
Assignments: Home works shall be given to the students with emphasis on small cases.

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