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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Types of agent

>>>> Chapter one, Types of Artificial Agent <<<<

# Simple Reflex Agent:

The simple reflex agent has:

  1. Information comes from sensor 
  2. change the agent current state of the world 
  3. trigger action through the effectors 
Simply the simple reflex agent act only the basic of current percepts, that is which has no notion of history.

The main characteristics of this agent are:
  1. No internal representation for reasoning inference 
  2. Efficient
  3. No strategic planning
  4. Learning
# Reflex Agent with state (Model-based reflex agent)

This type of agent differ from simple reflex agent in that such agent maintain some sort of state based on the percept sequence. The state is updated regularly based on what the agent seems and the agent action keeping track of the state. The model based agent work as follow ;

  1. information comes from sensors
  2. the agent change the current state of the world
  3. based on this state of the world and knowledge it trigger action through the effectors.

# Goal based agent

Goal based agent are similar to simple reflex agent which stores the information regarding its situation that are desirable. This allows the agent a way to choose among multiple possibilities selecting the one which reaches a goal state.

# Utility based agent

The utility based agent provides a more general agent frameworks. In case that multiple goals, this framework can accommodate different goals. Such systems are characterized by utility function that maps a state or a sequence of states to real value utility.

#Additional Agents <<<

  1. learning agent
  2. deliberative agent
  3. reactive agent
  4. hybrid agent
  5. emailing agent

Hope guys, u will enjoy it !!

Good luck have a nice day!!

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